MODIFIER B/W by Marina Fomenko is a part of "Metaformoses" project within Special program of 5 Moscow biennale of contemporary art.

21.09 - 21.10.2013

Place of exhibition:  State Museum of History of GULAG

Adress: Petrovka st., 16


«Modificator B/W» by Marina Fomenko  consists of two installations made of garbage.

The artist studies and modifies the garbage from the perspective of an archaeologist of the future.

Garbage discarded by the sea is painted in sterile white color. The artist creates from it artifacts of the city which return to drift in the water to close the circle ("White Enough"). Garbage of the dump in the forest yawns of time injuries as war wounds; it is modified in black and white chessmen of no compromise confrontation in site of eternal fight (« (cannot) win (cannot) surrender »).


«Metaformoses» is a project, which includes works of four artists united by the theme of creating metamorphoses of new form and new meaning behind the form. Artists open the essence of objects which are undergoing metamorphoses by turning them into recognized forms, e.g. doing “metaformoses”. The methods of transformations are different; the aim is discovery of cultural archetypes which are hiding behind the well-known objects and actions.


Alexander Tarbeev «Semantics of Sound», interactive video installation 2012/2013

Marina Fomenko «Modificator B/W», installation in two parts, mixed media, 2012/2013

Daria Chapkovskaya «Proto-Space», installation, mixed media, 2013


Innokentiy Sharkov «Prana», video installation, 2013


Marina Fomenko

Innokentiy Sharkov