Total installation / mixed media, 2011
"Cafe" Deja Vu " was presented within the parallel program of 4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Venue: State Museum of the GULAG History 22.09-17.11.2011
29.09-22.10.12 - "Cafe" Deja Vu " was presented at Samara Literature Museum as a solo show by Marina Fomenko
You can share your memories in the computer Bank of Memories of "Cafe" Deja Vu ".
Red button – the earliest memory
Yellow button – the most vivid memory
Pink button – a date which I would like to tell about
Grey button – the most terrible memory
Violet button - the most terrible event the repetition of which I am afraid
Blue button – the funniest memory
Green button – people that I have forgotten
It is not impossible that during the endless process of formation of our needs a demand will appear for something that had not ever been consumed collectively in public places such as personal memories.
"Cafe" Deja Vu " is a total installation involving everybody who comes in a space of memories. Coming into contact with other people's memories, the visitors can’t help finding themselves in a situation of déjà vu of forgotten past.
Cafe" Deja Vu " is a media project in which interactivity is used to engage visitors to interact with their memory. The visitors come in contact with other people's memories, unwittingly find themselves in a situation of déjà vu of forgotten past.
Viewers evoke their memories via interactive installation of the "Cafe". They also take part in the creation of Cafe Deja Vu Bank of Memories paying by their own memories for visiting " Cafe Deja Vu ". Everybody can share memories clicking on this link
The menu includes a set of memories instead of a set of dishes.
"A standard set of memories", recommended to all visitors of "Cafe", includes " Sweet flakes of the earliest memories" " Children’s Mix from the fragments of half-forgotten recollections ", “The classic recipe for memories of the date”, " Assorted memories for adults “The Forgotten”.
Visitors are offered sets of tactile, color, olfactory, forbidden, unwanted and frightening memories as a bonus.
For afters, the visitors can have an experience of “Déjà Vu of "Café " Déjà Vu " in real time.