27 апреля в Амстердаме состоится показ работ номинатов видеофестиваля  The One  Minutes - awards 2012, в том числе работы Марины Фоменко «Портрет Шуховской башни» в номинации “Moving Photography”. В этот же день будут определены победители.


awards 27 april

the 11th edition but different this time! no one man jury vote but 100 experts, enthusiasts and people with vision, choose the 6 winners. they come together in de balie in amsterdam on 27 april between 20.00 and 22.00 hrs. live streaming worldwide. winners will be contacted live.


and the nominees are

moving photography

blink(lotte) > frans hofmeester (nl) /

making it come true 1 > cecilia bonilla (uk) /

honiara, in this world > david djindjikhachvili (nl) /

portrait of shukov tower > marina fomenko (ru) /

selfportrait > ato malinda (ke) /

shadows and light > marianne schoonderbeek (nl) /

skull (7 deadly sins) > julia diaguileva (nl) /

swiss alps > bennekers & slegers (nl)



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