International Video Art Festival "Now&After" will be presented at the Museum of Moscow within project "Moscow Art Communities". All artists and guest programs who participated in the festival during five years will be presented. Additionally, "City+” collection will be shown.

"City+” artists: Tushar Waghela, The Home, India / Julia Kurek, Lucha Libre – Free Fight, Poland / Alexandra Mitlyanskaya, Babylon 2010, Russia / Sasha Tkachenko, Perfect Ride, Serbia / Marina Fomenko, Depot, Russia / Youki Hirakawa, Double Dream, Japan / Marina Chernikova, About About It, Russia.

Now&After director / curator Marina Fomenko.

Opening: July 30th, 19.00

Address: Zubovsky Boulevard, 2

Dates: August 1st – August 23rd